all the poor girlfriends out there suffer along with their botak boyfriends.. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ that's so....*&^%$#@! okay actually (its hitting nearer and fucking near, 2 damn it days O.O) :<( I hope everything would just be ALL fine. Im not sending him off to Tekong cuz you know I'll definitely cry like a baby. and he do not want to cry toO? haha. so i just have to guai guai go work lor.:(<
But this enlistment, I dont feel so isolated. Cuz i've many boy-friends who is also enlisting in between that week(8th-12th) so I guess Jerrome wont feel so lonely too? and I bet im not the only GirlFriend who is going to suffer. >.<
I spent my long weekends over at Jerrome's place for consecutively 3 days. we didnt do alot alot or go alot of places but it was overall okay. I thought it sucked but actually its okay la, I guess the 2 weeks gona fly by. *prays. I've a list of 'To-Do-s' and hope to really do it.
Do I still have time to buy him a SomethinG? *Wonders.

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